Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Testy Tuesday

It was a beautiful day today, sunny not a cloud in the sky, temperatures approaching 26 C. A perfect day.  I put on my cowboy duds to show my stampede spirit and drove the kids to camp. 

Somewhere on the drive I got this great idea that I should stand in the river in my shit kickers then let the leather dry while I was wearing them. I would end up with great fitting boots and say goodbye to sore feet.  So that is what I did.


It was not such a bright idea.  I was impressed that the  boots were close to waterproof  and my feet did not get really wet immediately.  The leather did seem to stretch but it was not fun walking around with wettish feet all day and I did get a blister on my heel.

I decided that running with the blister might not be the best plan so just before dinner I decided to go on a longer ride.  I chose a route I have thought about doing but have never done. It gave a different view of downtown.


There was a stage of the tour today and for stage 10 of the “letour challenge” I rode 17.1 km in 52:24 minutes. It was an interesting route, the first 5 km were into a strong headwind (not fun), then a km in single lane construction, then some pretty steep uphill sections and finally home.

An interesting day.

Plod On.

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