Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Turdy Tuesday

Runner’s World Summer Streak - Day 36

Time : 17:06 Minutes
Distance : 2.0 Miles 
This Week: 5.25 Miles

Total: 154.12 Miles

The day started out great, it cooled off overnight and there was a layer of fog pouring out over the edge of the river valley.


It made for a great start to my run and reminded me of a scene from the movie “The Big Chill” where the guys are running on the foggy streets of the town.

I started to run the 3 mile ridge route from my house. I got about 1/4 of a mile in and started to feel the need for a biological break.  I decided to continue on.  This was not a good choice.


It made me feel like this.  I tried to hold off the inevitable (which made running difficult) but at around a mile and a half  into the run there was the opportunity to cut off and head for home so I did. In fact I sprinted all the way to the toilet, and so ended my morning run.

Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 10.05.20 PM

It was the hottest day of the year so far, the mercury tipped over 35 C outside my kitchen window. I was so glad that I made the effort to run early.

I finished off with day 4 of “le tour challenge”. I rode 8.5 km  in 23:08 minutes at 9:30 PM. It had started to cool off which made the ride nice, but I was not even close to the team time trials on the real tour today.

An OK day after an aborted start.

Plod On

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