Monday, April 4, 2011

Project 365 – Day 92

Sunday April 3, 2011.

It is the morning after the spring storm that dumped about 12” of snow on out beautiful city. I got up and headed to the Westhills Running Room for a Sunday group run.  This is my first outside run since I left for Alaska and I was really excited about it. I needed to run about 12 K to hit 310 miles in 2011 so that was the goal.

I got to the store and the half marathon group was going to run 16 so why not a little farther than I wanted but at a slower pace than I usually run with walk breaks so it should be OK.

We ran down to the Reservoir and then paralleled it for a while then back on 66 ave to 37 street to Richmond road.

The path was ploughed around the reservoir but this left a skim of ice on the path that made for interesting footing.

April 4-1

The views were great. It is always a very pretty run, but when buried under a foot of the fresh white stuff it is even more breathtaking.


As we hit the turn around point the sun had come out and the snow was starting to melt and the streets were starting to get sloppy.


I ended up running ahead of the group for the last few miles and woke up this morning with sore legs from (calves and hips) from all the uneven footing I guess a good thing.

A very fun run with great people

Plod On.

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