Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In #2

Well Maybe not so Weekly.

Before we look at the chart I want to say that I Blame it on Team Canada and Olympic Hockey.  See how the line rises the more important the hockey games become.


There seems to be a direct correlation with the increased stress levels caused by the lack of performance late in the game by our “super stars” and the proliferation of available snacks and beverages.

That coupled with the fact that I am more less stuck with dreadmill workouts for the next week (causing a lack of exercise) seem to be the big contributors.

Better luck next week. I read this post on Clean Eating on  RuntotheFinish blog and have picked up the book Clean Eating for Men and am going to give it a shot.  The plan seems more common sense than diet, only eat things that are good for you and do not come in a package.

Plod On.