Saturday, January 30, 2010

Procrastination Run

Distance : 4.25 mi
Time 41:39

I was planning on running on Thursday but did not, then was going to run on Friday but found a reason not to. Dinner with friends or something. So Saturday came and if I was going to get another run in before my long run it had to be today.

I got up early and attempted to time my run to catch sunrise as I ran back towards the city. It turned out that the skies were overcast and the sunrise did not materialize and when i looked back towards downtown all you could see was the brown haze obscuring the core. Another reason not to run from work - just look at the brown haze.

I continued along the ridge on the way home and came to one of my favorite spots on this run. The ridge drops off sharply and the trail either winds through scrub poplars or has a death defying drop to the ravine below. Notice the trails are kind of snow covered and icy.

As part of My 2010 program I am trying to take pictures on every run and post them. These were taken on my iPhone and seem blurry. I hope it was the low light conditions and not something else.

Plod On.

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