Monday, March 31, 2008

March 9, 2008

Distance: 18.0 Miles
Time: 2:38:18
YTD: 196.4 Miles
Location: Marathon Clinic 29K - Kensington RR to Glenmore Damn - return.

Beautiful morning - a little chilly. Had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, dropped the kids off at my sisters and got ready to run. One small problem the ache in my foot came back after a couple of miles and stayed for the whole run. It is an aggravation , a distraction, not painful enough to make you stop but painful enough that I was aware of it for the run.

The run itself was nice fairly flat for the most part and then a sharp rise right before the turnaround point. Meant a steep downhill on the way back but eased off to save the knee. Ended up running the LSD with walks in under 5:30 min kms - not bad. The pain in my foot stopped me from picking it up at the end. Am wondering if it was a wise idea to do this run in a new pair of shoes.

Plod On

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