Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 6, 2008 - 10K Tempo

Distance: 6.4 Miles
Time: 52:03
YTD: 96.9 Miles
Location: Kensington Running Room - Short Zoo - Center St. Hill

Marathon Clinic Group run - a 10 K tempo run up the center street hill. Now the 150' foot climb in less than a kilometer does not sound like much but man it kicks the crap out of you. Worse yet is that after the sharp rise there is a long slow climb to the summit, before the easy down hill back to the store.

My run looked like this:

Thought I would try something new with the output from my garmin 305.

Overall was a good run, temps were in the 0 degree range,footing was a little precarious as the ice and snow were softening, wore 2 layers and that was more than adequate. I am looking forward to a 19.5 K run in -20 temps this Sunday. I will be dressing differently!

Plod on.

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