Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday Surprise

I had a great plan for the day, a nice easy recovery walk on the treadmill topping out at 4.5 mph for about 25 minutes.  I put it off and procrastinated long enough that when it was halftime in the Auburn game it was do or die time , so I pulled on my running shorts and did.

I started out with the plan but when I hit the 5 minute mark things were feeling Ok so I bumped up the pace to a slow run (9 min miles) then 2 minutes later 8:30 min miles, then 2 minutes later 7:55 min miles. then back to a walk for 4 minutes and then I repeated the progression and threw in an extra minute at 7:30 min pace.  Holy crap fastest bestest pace since I injured my foot.  Then I progressed back down for a cool down.

Once the sweat had really started We took the dog to the park for a walk and my further cool down.


The view of downtown was crazy beautiful, and you can see that even though it was a nice day the locals are dressed for winter.


It turned out to be a great day for me, 25 minutes 2.45 miles on the treadmill, followed by 12 minutes .65 miles outside.  Hitting the mall with the kids right after the shower was not the best idea.

We will have to see what tomorrow brings!

Plod On

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