Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday morning blues

Monday morning is getting me down, we ended up getting several inches of snow overnight and it is crisp and December cool here.  On the up side I bought coffee yesterday so am sitting here enjoying a cup of my favourite hot beverage after a weekend without.


I received a sore back and stiffness in my abs from all the shovelling.  As beautiful as the snow is, the removal of said snow is back breaking work.


After my chiropractors visit on Friday, my calves were hurting like hell from the acupuncture, and my quads were close behind.  He gave a little pull on my foot to loosen the joint and it might have loosened it a bit much as my foot was sore all weekend.

It was with hurting abs, sore foot and leaden legs that I traipsed down to the dungeon to work out this AM.  The decision was not so much what to run today as do I run today. I got on the treadmill and did a slow start and kept it low key for the entire run working my way up to 9 min miles and then holding until my 20 minutes was up.

Not a great workout but a workout nonetheless. 20 minutes 2.15 miles.

Plod on.

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