Thursday, December 15, 2011

Running without clothes

I saw a tweet with a link to yogaundressed and it got me to thinking about my treadmill runs.  I usually run in my stuffy dungeon and crank out miles wearing a light cotton shirt that is dripping in sweat after 20 minutes.

If I run without the shirt would evaporation make the run cooler?


It really looks a lot worse than it is I am wearing shorts, and yes it was cooler and the cool down after the run was quicker.  I may have to repeat this experiment.

I got off to a slow start this morning with a long slow warm up.  After a few minutes at 10 minute miles I picked up the pace and ran progressions of 5 minutes at 30 second pace differential. Then did a little cool down.   The grand total was 25 minutes of running and a total distance of 2.8 miles.  Not bad for an injured old man.

Plod On.

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