Sunday, December 4, 2011

Out of whack

Balance was not achieved, the run I did on Friday left me tender enough that there was no run on Saturday so no balance was achieved.  Unless the balance is not in running every day but balancing running with the rest of the stuff we have to do.  If that is the case I was fairly successful.  It begs the question, is there life outside of running. (but that is another blog post).

It was another pretty morning today, so pretty that the world was buried under 8” of heavy wet snow.


It makes for very pretty pictures and a lot of fun stuff for kids to do but does not lend itself to running or driving.


Consequently it was an inside day today.  My foot felt a little better than yesterday and my body was fuelled by a nice breakfast than included eggs, bacon and pancakes. So I hopped on the treadmill and did an easy 30 minutes of 10 minute miles and called it a day.

The real question is  “What is the mileage equivalent of 1 hour shovelling 8 inches of heavy wet snow?”  It feels like about 10 or so.

Good day 30 minutes, 3 miles (give or take).

Plod On.

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