Friday, July 5, 2013

Finicky Friday

With no running challenges I took a rest day from running. It was a little weird not having to think about when or where I wanted to run or what kind of effort it should be or how far …

I’m going to have to give some serious to the running schedule I want to keep for the next few months.  I may cut back on the frequency of the runs and up the distances.  Who knows.

Today the Calgary Stampede kicked off with the parade through downtown and the opening of the rodeo and Stampede Grounds. I did not go to the grounds instead headed off to see my daughter perform in a mini version of the musical nunsense.  It was fabulous.

Over the dinner hour the thunderstorms moved in and we were hammered by rain.

July 5

This rain barrel sits under the downspout from on gutter on the house and it filled to overflowing with water in less than 10 minutes. The storm continued for almost an hour.  The TV was reporting flash floods and closed roads again.  But it did clear off enough for me to get on the bike later in the evening. 

It was stage 7 of the tour this morning and hence day 7 of “le tour challenge”. I rode 12 km in 32:14 minutes at 9:30 PM. It was cool enough that I wore a jacket and the roads were still slick from the rain. 

An rest day with a cross training workout.

Plod On

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