Sunday, July 14, 2013

SoLong Sunday

it was a long day, we got up in the morning had breakfast and drove to the mountains to drop my girl at camp for the week. Then stopped at a small reservoir to let the dog swim on the way home.  It seems that every year she forgets how to swim and requires a few minutes to familiarize herself. Then it was back home to do the regular Sunday chores, lawn mowing ……

After dinner I dragged myself to the bike and headed out for a pedal.

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It was Stage 15 of the Tour today with a massive climb to finish the race, it always makes for an exciting finish. My Stage 15 of le tour challenge did not have a big hill to finish, instead I chose a relativly flat route to give my tired amateur legs a rest. I rode 13.6 km in 33:38 minutes. The new tires worked great I am averaging about 2 kph faster. It’s either the tires or maybe it is  me getting in better shape!

Tomorrow is a rest day on the tour, maybe for me too!

Plod On.

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