Monday, July 1, 2013

Mundane Monday

Streak to the beach - Day 91

Time : 29:06 Minutes
Distance : 3.25 Miles 
This Week: 3.25 Miles

Total: 311.35 Miles

Runner’s World Summer Streak - Day 35

Week 5: 3.25 Miles  
Total: 152.15 Miles

A very hot day, hottest day of the year so far. Lucky for me I crawled out of bed and into my running kit and pounded out a 3.25 mile recovery run. To celebrate Canada Day (Dominion Day for us old folks) I wore my Canada running Jersey. I have only worn this for races on foreign soil and on Canada day runs.


The rest of the day was pretty mundane, breakfast, kids, shopping etc. I finished off with day 3 of “le tour challenge”. I rode 10.1 km to MRU in 39:35 minutes with my son.  This was his first ride after being hit by a car while riding 2 weeks ago. He was a little more careful tonight.

For this mornings run I wanted something a little bit flatter to give my legs a little break after the 9.5 miles yesterday and the very difficult climb at the end of the run.

Screen Shot 2013-07-01 at 9.51.23 PM

I kept the run at the top of the hill and headed south across a couple of major streets. This let me keep a lot of the run on residential streets (I hate running on sidewalks). I started off really slow and struggled up the modest hill before turning south.  Once my legs were warmed up I got into a grove and just let it flow for the rest of the run. It ended up being a lot of fun.

A good Canada Day run.

Plod On.

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