Monday, April 25, 2011

Project 365 – Day 113

Sunday April 24, 2011.

Run 110.

Another outside run, this time a group run at the Running Room.  It was Easter Sunday so not a huge turnout.  I was already tired as the girl though 4:45 AM was the appropriate time for the annual Easter egg hunt.

The plan was to run about 12 km (8 Miles), which is what we ran even though I got lost.


At the end of the run we were supposed to run along the bottom of Battalion Park, somehow we ended up running along the top of the park. This means that we climbed a big hill to get to the top but the view was worth it.


The mountains looked really nice with the fresh white snow providing a contrast.  Actually they probably would have looked just as nice from the bottom of the hill.

It was a good run and a hard run for an LSD 8 miles and a bit in 1:07 Not bad.

Plod on.

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