Thursday, May 9, 2013

Trashy Thursday

Streak to the beach - Day 39

Time : 30:00  Minutes
Distance : 3.2 Miles 
This Week: 15.6 Miles

Total: 144.7 Miles

What a day. I spent 10 hours trapped in a room with 12 Engineers facilitating a meeting and collecting data from a group of people that never make mistakes.  I came home mentally drained and definitely not motivated to run. I managed to put it off until just about 9:00 then it was time to shit or get off the pot.

I started the treadmill at 6.4 mph and tried to settle into a pace but nothing was feeling right, my stride was off, my legs were hurting and I was struggling.  I was ready to pack it in after 10 minutes and take the daily minimum. I continued slogging along hoping to make 20 minutes, then persevered for the last 10 minutes, stopped the treadmill and hopped off.

I ran junk miles but kept the streak alive.

Plod On.

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