Thursday, June 9, 2011

Project 365 – Day 159

Thursday June 9, 2011.

Run 158.

Wow am just one run down on the year now. It has taken a while but I am finally catching up.  However, there is a cost. I woke up this morning with very dead legs and a tightness in my right hamstring (wrong one).  I was thinking that a controlled run on the treadmill was probably a good idea after the two hard runs yesterday.  My daughter being ill and my wife having to run to work to grab the computer sealed that deal.

I sort of had a plan to run for 2.5 miles at 9 minute miles. I stuck with the 2.5 miles part and started out with 10 minutes of nine minute miles then cranked it up to 8:30 miles for the next 8 or 9 and finished up with the last few minutes at sub 8:00. 

My legs felt surprisingly good. I had the same pain in the hamstring at the insertion point while warming up and then it was clear sailing for the run. Post run I am feeling a tightness in the middle part of my  right hamstring and in my left lower back just above the glute.

Good run, great hockey highlights – 21:50 – 2.5 miles.

Plod On

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