Friday, June 7, 2013

Floating Friday

Streak to the beach - Day 68

Time : 26:20 Minutes
Distance : 3.1 Miles 
This Week: 17.2 Miles

Total: 222.15 Miles

Another beautiful day in cow town but it almost ended with summer thunderstorms.  It started to cloud over late in the afternoon and the thunderheads started to build. I guess just not quite hot enough to spark the big storms. I was up early working in front of the computer, then went for lunch and had a beer or two which made it easy to have an afternoon nap. It also lead to a 10 PM run on the treadmill.


This is the view that I see when I run on the treadmill. Tonight I went downstairs without a plan and actually thinking that I might just do the minimum and run one very slow mile.  I ended up doing a progression run for 3.1 miles (5 km).  It started with a short warm up and then ran at a 9:30 pace. I bumped the pace every 5 minutes and finished at a 7:30 pace.

My knee is still hurting when I bend it or kneel on it. I feel it for the first few minutes of a run and then is seems to settle in. Still hoping I can run through it.

Day 12 of the Runner’s World Summer Streak is in the books and it was a fun run.

Plod On

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