Sunday, June 9, 2013

SoAlone Sunday

Streak to the beach - Day 70

Time : 1:11:20 Minutes
Distance : 7.5 Miles 
This Week: 28.8 Miles

Total: 226.25 Miles

Runner’s World Summer Streak - Day 14

Week 1: 32.7 Miles
Week 2: 28.8 Miles 
Total: 61.5 Miles

I lay in bed this morning, huddled under the blankets enjoying a slow and relaxing start to the day. I had  my kindle fired up reading a trashy adventure novel and then I looked at the clock and decided I had time to make the Running Room for a group run.  It was hard getting motivated to get out of bed as my legs were tired and somewhat sore from the last 2 runs. Friday I challenged pace a little and on Saturday I ran some difficult hills. I decided that today would be a 10 or so km slow recovery run.

The thermometer in the car said it was a chilly 9 C, the skies were overcast and the air was damp. A perfect day for a run. Unfortunately when I showed up for a group run no one else did so I found myself running in a group of one. It is a little disappointing as I can run alone from home and save 1/2 of driving.

I chose a route that I love. It runs on the gravel paths through Griffith Woods park and then along the city streets back to the store.

Screen Shot 2013-06-09 at 12.30.59 PM

I find that running on trails is easier on my aching legs than concrete and pavement So when I am feeling it I try to make softer surfaces a part of the run. Today I got to run on some trails that were shared by deer.


I saw the fresh deer foot tracks but alas I did not get to run with the deer today. But that did not mean that there were not sights worth seeing on the trek through the forest. 


It was so calm that there was not a ripple on the water in this beaver dammed part of the creek.

On the way back to the store I deviated from the usual route and decided to explore some of the bike paths through the neighbourhood. Unfortunately this lead to running up and down the ridge a couple of times but it is always nice to run a different route. Fortunately I did come across a couple of deer grazing on the hillside that I was running UP.  From the top of the ridge there were some great views of the houses below leading into the park and the river and it extended the part of the run that was not on city streets.

Nuff said, a lonely but fun run.

Plod On

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