Sunday, June 16, 2013

Scary Sunday

Streak to the beach - Day 77

Time : 1:13:31 Minutes
Distance : 8.25 Miles 
This Week: 29.90 Miles

Total: 253.1 Miles

Runner’s World Summer Streak - Day 21

Week 3: 29.90 Miles  
Total: 91.35 Miles

What to say about today? It had it’s highs, it had it’s lows, it was exciting, it was relaxing and most of all it was scary. The day started early with the traditional Sunday pancakes made by me. Then my daughter heading out the door for a cheer thing, and I headed out for the Sunday group run at the Running Room. As is the usual case recently I ended up doing my group run alone.

The afternoon was exciting and scary. My son decided to ride his bike through a yellow light and was knocked over by a car.  this involved Police, EMS and Fire trucks. One closed intersection, a traffic ticket and few scrapes and bruises later everything was OK.

The run was the high point of the day.  I ran the same route (sort of) that I ran last week but in reverse.  I decided to do a little exploring (read I got LOST twice) and added a little distance.

Screen Shot 2013-06-16 at 12.16.40 PM

Running in reverse meant that I ran along the edge of the ridge and was bombarded with distant and pleasing mountain views to the west.


And a Pond that I ran right by last week without seeing it.


It is hard to imagine missing something that pretty.

All in all a good day and a very lucky day.

Plod On.

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