Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sudden Death Saturday

Streak to the beach - Day 76

Time : 25:41 Minutes
Distance : 2.8 Miles 
This Week: 21.55 Miles

Total: 244.85 Miles

Runner’s World Summer Streak - Day 20

Week 3: 21.55 Miles  
Total: 83.10Miles

Another Schizophrenic  day weather wise.  The morning started out nice so I busted out the lawnmower and put a some easy miles on trimming the grass in the weather window.  Almost as soon as I finished the thunderstorms rolled in and the rest of  the day was rain on and off. I lit the BBQ in a weather window and ended up grilling dinner in the rain.

I put off the run watching the hockey game, then 9:00 rolled around and the game was going into overtime.  I had a choice to make either watch  the game or run. Then an epiphany! I could do a sudden death run while watching the OT period.  So the rules became run either the minimum or run until a goal was scored to end the game, whichever took longer.

I set the treadmill at a 0.5% incline and 9:30 pace and started up as the players hit the ice.  25:41 minutes later Boston scored and I stepped off the treadmill.

Weirdest run I ever did.

Plod On.

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