Monday, June 3, 2013

Monsoon Monday

Streak to the beach - Day 64

Time : 27:15 Minutes
Distance : 3.1 Miles 
This Week: 3.1 Miles

Total: 207.05 Miles

And the heavy rains continued, then let up for a while, then came back with a vengeance. It has been so grey and damp for so long that depression is starting to set in. If it does not break soon I will be playing a lot of Leonard Cohen. However in a period of light rains tonight I snuck a dog walk in and this is the view to the west.


Hang on, is that streak of light on the horizon sunshine, coming in my direction?  One can only hope. 

I ended up running late again tonight because of the kids commitments and on the treadmill because I like dry feet.

My plan was to head down and do an easy run for 10 or 15 minutes of junk miles just to keep the streak alive. I got 5 minutes in and increased the pace, then got 15 minutes in and decided to go for 20 minutes, got 20 minutes in and decided to run 2.5 miles. Hit the 2.5 mile mark and decided to run 25 minutes. Hit 25 minutes and decided to run 3.0 miles and finally finished 3.1 miles in just over 27 minutes.

Not a bad run compared to the plan.

Plod On.

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