Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project 365 – Day 26

I was feeling pretty spry this morning and was surprised after yesterdays run.  Another big surprise was that the dog seemed pretty excited about heading out as well.

We ran an extension of the wildwood ridge run and came back on less busy roads (Not that that is an issue at 5:45 AM).


The pace was slower for the whole run and we intentionally ratcheted back for a really easy day. We finished the 3 mile run in just under 30 minutes for a decent but still slow time.

On the body side, I am a little concerned as I am feeling a bruise like pain in my right heel as I am striding, and if I do a burst of speed am feeling a sharp pain in my hamstring. Things to watch as we move forward.

Good Run 3 Miles in 29 minutes.

Plod On

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