Saturday, April 27, 2013

Super Saturday

Streak to the beach - Day 27

Time : 40:00 Minutes
Distance : 4.50 Miles 
This Week: 22.45 Miles

Total: 94.88

Super because the weather was perfect, 20 C and sunny, the only down side was there was a wee bit of a chinook  breeze blowing.  It felt like summer for the first time today and that made it super.

Ran a route that circled through the neighbourhood and was sheltered from the wind.  this meant the entire run was on residential streets and hard pavement.  Something my knees are feeling tonight.

April 27

It made for a great run though, there was a beautiful blue sky, the lawns were starting to green up. If only there were leaves on the trees it could have looked like summer.

A perfect day, a great run.

Plod On.

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