Monday, April 1, 2013

Streak to the beach

I have been running intermittently over the past year as I have struggled moving from injury to injury while trying to maintain some semblance of decent milage. Frankly it has gotten easier to not run than to run and running has been much more organic and less directed.

Spring has sprung (fingers crossed) and it is time for a new initiative. I thought that "streak to the beach" would serve two purposes 1) motivate me to be less ad hoc in my approach to running; 2) help me combat my growing belly. The new running streak includes running a minimum of one mile daily from April 1 to July 1 and 3 strength sessions a week. And it Starts today.

Streak to the Beach: Day 1

Time : 25 Minutes
Distance : 2.65 Miles
Total: 2.65 miles

Treadmill Run.

Plod On.

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